Cucumber Dill Salad


Cukes are great not only on hot days like today, but anytime you’re in the mood for something refreshing (I guess that’s why we have the saying “cool as a cucumber”)! Their high water content makes them light and very low calorie.

But despite their low calories, they are high in nutrients and make especially good electrolyte replacements, so if you’ve just endured a stressful workout where you’ve perspired a lot, eating some cucumber is a good way to replace lost nutrients and hydration. They also contain antioxidants and can help regulate blood sugar levels.

Combining cukes with the herb dill is a way to add great flavor to this veggie. It’s one of my favorite salads, and is super easy and quick to make.

Getting the slices wafer thin is the key to making this a delicate salad, rather than a chunky one, so if you have a mandoline or food slicer (pictured left), that is ideal. If not, as long as you have a super sharp knife, you can create thin slices yourself.

Dress this with either oil and vinegar, or go creamy with either Greek yogurt or sour cream plus a little vinegar, or lemon juice, if you prefer. Even if you go the creamy route, a little acid really helps perk it up.

Cucumber Dill Salad

1 large cucumber, peeled or unpeeled, your choice (I peel mine)
2 green onions or 1 Tbsp. chives, finely chopped
2 tsp. rice vinegar
6 tsp. avocado oil or any mildly flavored oil like grapeseed
1 tsp. fresh dill, finely chopped
Salt and freshly ground pepper, preferably white, to taste

Slice the cucumber using a mandoline or very sharp knife. Make sure the slices are wafer thin. Chop the onions or chives and add to the cuke. Make a dressing out of the remaining ingredients. Add the dressing to the cucumber and chill for at least an hour before serving.

Keeps in the refrigerator for several days.

I like to eat this alongside some roasted chicken or with a variety of salads for lunch.


Communal Baking


Curried Chicken Salad